96%….An emotionally impactful portrait of familial love, Riceboy Sleeps sees writer-director Anthony Shim reaffirming that the most personal stories are often the most universal.

Rotten Tomatoes

Riceboy Sleeps

11 MAY: 3 pm & 7 pm
117 Mins | Canada | Drama |


On one level this is a film about a familiar immigrant experience—a single mother emigrates from Korea to Canada with a young son, and both struggle to fit in. When the son reaches adolescence and behaves like a Canadian teenager, this presents new challenges for his bewildered mother. But it transcends the commonplace with a fresh voice and visuals which complement the superb acting to convey emotions which leave the most hardhearted reaching for the tissues. In the final third of the movie, mother and son visit Korea, and the tone changes – where life was muted and difficult, suddenly the landscape lightens and life opens up. Directed by Anthony Shin (himself a Korean immigrant to Canada), the film has won a number of awards and proved a crowd favourite at festivals.

Doors Open at 2:30 pm for licensed bar, tea/coffee, slices
Movie Starts at 3:00 pm

Doors Open at 6 pm.
Movie starts at 7:00 pm licensed bar, tea/coffee, slices
BYO nibbles, meals or restaurant takeaway (Tables provided)


NOTE that a $1 per ticket booking fee will apply at checkout
MEMBERS will not see discounted prices until they log in
NON-MEMBERS will see ticket prices from the Thursday before the screening

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