Each program is a collaboration between the Film Selection Committee, the Maleny Film Society Executive Committee and our members. It is a very considered process and involvees much work by a dedicated team of volunteers.

The members of the Selection Committee research recent films (no more than a year or so old) that they think will fit into Maleny Film Society’s guidelines tri-annually. 

Each film is debated by the Film Selection Committee. When whittling the list down to 12 films for the voting selection, they take a holistic view of each film, to ensure there is a decent variety of countries represented, that the reviews are strong, that the subject matter fits the world cinema category, and that there is a variety of genres to satisfy our audience.

The 12 films selected are sent out in an online voting survey to our Members.

The Top 6 films voted by our members are chosen and the Maleny Film Society Executive Committee has the right to choose the last two films to be screened, which are usually the 7th and 8th top films from the voting process, but could be different films if they make for a more balanced program, or fit a particular timed theme or season (for example, NAIDOC week or the school holidays).

It is a rigorous process, resulting in a brilliant, rich program for our audience.